Representatives from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute, including GREEN RAY partners Niina Kuittinen, Mikko Heikkilä, Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen and Kati Lehtoranta, will present the research they carried out as part of the project at the TAP&SE Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden on 27 September.
They will present the topic of ‘Methane slip from LNG engines – review and on-board study’ at the joint session for Emissions of air pollutants, GHG, water contaminants, including ambient and underwater noise and vessel-induced mixing.
TAP&SE, the combined 25th International Transport and Air Pollution and 3rd Shipping and Environment Conference, is a combined forum to discuss a wide variety of questions related to the impacts of the transport sector on all parts of the environment, including atmosphere, climate, terrestrial ecosystems and the marine environment.
At a time when a fast transition to carbon neutral transport is essential, they welcome both contributions in the traditional areas of TAP and S&E conferences, and holistic studies investigating multimodal transport and/or impacts on several areas of the environment.
Learn more about the event and discover the programme here.